A Guide to Hiring the RIGHT PEOPLE
We’ve found the topic of hiring to be of great interest to many small business owners. In fact, here on Businessing Magazine topics about hiring, how to interview candidates, and where to find potential employees are often some of the most popular.
Most small business owners recognize the value of hiring the right people and the costs of hiring the wrong ones. The gravity of hiring the right people comes up quite frequently in our interviews with small business owners and experts.
This eBook provides a practical primer for small business owners looking to find and acquire the right team members.
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Topics Covered
Why Small Business Hiring Is So Important
Using Employment Agencies
Using Temp Agencies
DIY Hiring
Anatomy of an Effective Job Description
Should I Include Salary Information in a Job Description?
Sorting Through Resumes
Mastering the Interview Process
Working Interviews
Making the Offer

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